Project Pardis

Sending a column weighing 30 tons

Company Expansion Plan

Continuation of the steel structure installation, Part 4, production hall, Shahid Dezful Sugar Factory

The loading and delivery of columns for Part 3 of the production hall at Shahid Dezful Sugar Factory have started.

Fabrication of columns for the steel structure project of the product storage expansion (Holder) at the Bardsir Rolling Complex – Falat Pars Company

Continuing the installation of cantilever beams for the 320-unit Imam Reza (AS) Complex project in Khorramabad

Start of the installation of the rafters for Part 4 of the production hall at Shahdai Dezful Sugar Factory

Installation of beams and columns of the H-axis for the second and third stages of Part 4 of the steel structure in the production hall at Shahdai Dezful Sugar Factory

Annual National Conference on Concrete and Earthquake